• Frank Wagner
Home State: Virginia
Person Website: http://www.wagnervagovernor.com/
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Frank Wagner has been a member of the Virginia State Senate since 2001. Before that, he spent nine years in the state House of Delegates. Wagner has centered his campaign around his history as a businessman and his transportation proposals, which include "constructing Interstate 73 and the Coal Fields Expressway in order to create more jobs in Southside and Southwest Virginia".


Wagner's 2017 gubernatorial campaign website lists the following priorities:


​ Frank supports the right of parents and students to determine their future by taking college-bound coursework or pursuing apprentice programs in technical programs. Frank will support the rights of parents who choose to homeschool. And Frank supports freezing tuition at all Virginia public colleges and universities by providing additional state financial aid.

State economy and energy
​ Frank is the only candidate for governor who owned a manufacturing business and understands first-hand what overly-burdensome regulations can mean for a business and an economy. Frank has successfully fought against far-reaching federal and state regulations. As Governor, Frank will work with other governors to fight against federal regulations that infringe on state's rights and the proper role of the federal government. Frank will also continue to fight for coal and the many industries that need coal for energy and manufacturing.

Jobs and workforce development
​ As the only candidate for governor who has started businesses and created jobs, Frank is a longtime champion of career technical education and supports preparing students for the 21st Century workforce. Frank's plan will make career technical education a critical component of public schools and community colleges. Tens of thousands of jobs go unfilled for lack of trained workforce. Frank will help Virginians get good-paying jobs without taking on massive student debt.

​ Transportation is a big component for growing and diversifying Virginia's economy. Only Frank Wagner has been fighting for the transportation funds necessary to build a transportation system that reduces today's congestion and is flexible enough to be utilized by new transportation technologies of the future. A priority for Frank is constructing Interstate 73 and the Coal Fields Expressway in order to create more jobs in Southside and Southwest Virginia. Different regions have different needs and as your Governor, Frank Wagner will address them all.

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