• Susan Platt
Home State: Virginia
Person Website: https://www.susanplattforva.com/
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Platt's career in politics includes serving as the campaign manager for U.S. Senator Chuck Robb's (D) successful 1994 re-election campaign and as the chief of staff to former U.S. Sen. Joe Biden (D). She has operated Susan S. Platt Consulting, a political consulting firm, since 1998.

Until now, Susan Platt has been hard at work behind the scenes to make Virginia a better place to live, work and raise a family. She’s decided to run for Lieutenant Governor to use her life experience plus her energy, vision and commitment to grow business and create job opportunities in the Commonwealth.

Her commitment to Virginia families goes back 25 years – beginning in Winchester working for Delegate Al Smith’s son’s political run. In 1994, U.S. Senator Charles S. Robb tapped her to be his campaign manager to head up his successful re-election effort against Oliver North. For her efforts, her peers awarded Campaign Manager of the Year Pollie Award that year.

As a member of the Virginia Tourism Corporation Board, Susan Platt helped jumpstart community and corporate transit work to create better transportation options for tourists, business and commuters in the Commonwealth. During her tenure on the board, she helped position the Commonwealth as an attractive destination, luring visitors to spend time and money with local businesses as they enjoy the wonders Virginia has to offer.

Over the last 6 years, Susan Platt has traveled across Virginia organizing, educating and engaging folks about the importance of their civic participation and the difference it can make in their lives by founding 2 statewide organizations – The Farm Team and EmergeVA. She has also served on the board of NARAL Virginia.

In early 2013, she received a special appointment as a Board Member of the Bi-Partisan Election Process Improvement Commission for Fairfax County, which developed recommendations for make voting a simpler, faster and more secure process. 

In her professional life, Susan Platt served on Capitol Hill, most recently as Chief of Staff for Vice President Joseph R. Biden’s Senate office. Then she turned to legislative work helping Virginia businesses, ranging from new emerging small companies to international Fortune 500 firms with interests ranging from Hi-tech to Agriculture. Her work helped companies grown and prosper so they hire more Virginia employees and pay higher wages.

An avid runner, Susan Platt and her husband of 37 years, Ron Platt, live in Great Falls with their dogs. Susan and Ron’s blended family consists of her stepmom Barbara Smocer, 2 siblings, 3 children, 4 grandchildren, 2 nephews and 2 nieces.

Caucuses/Non-Legislative Committees

Former Board Member, Bi-Partisan Election Process Improvement Commission for Fairfax County

Professional Experience

  • Owner, Susan S. Platt Consulting, 1998-present
  • Former Chief of Staff, US Senator Joseph R. Biden, 1995-1997
  • Former Campaign Manager, US Senator Charles S. Robb, 1993-1994
  • Worked with, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, 1991-1993
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