• Bryce Reeves
Home State: Virginia
Person Website: http://www.brycereeves.com/
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After graduating from Texas A&M University, Bryce Reeves was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Army and served as an Airborne Army Ranger. 

After serving in the Army, Reeves worked as a beat police officer and was promoted to Vice-Narcotics Detective for Prince William County in Virginia. 

For the past 16 years, Reeves has owned and operated small businesses with his wife, Anne Reeves.

Reeves served as a grassroots leader and Chairman of the Spotsylvania County Republican Committee, and in November 2011 he defeated a 28-year incumbent Democrat to win the 17th District Senate seat. With his narrow win of 86 votes on election night, Reeves changed the balance of power in the Virginia Senate for the second time since Reconstruction. He was re-elected in November 2015 with nearly 63 percent of the vote. 

Senator Reeves currently serves as Chairman of the Senate Standing Committee on Rehabilitation and Social Services, overseeing social service, corrections, and alcohol beverage distribution and regulatory matters. He also serves on the Courts of Justice, General Laws, Privileges and Elections, Rules, and Joint Rules Committees. 

Reeves was chosen to serve as the Co-Chair of the General Assembly’s Military and Veteran’s Caucus. He is currently the Senate representative on the Virginia Military Advisory Council to the Governor (VMAC), the reconstituted Commission on Military Installations and Defense Activities (COMIDA), and in 2016 was appointed to the Secure Commonwealth Panel. Reeves is a member of the Board of Veterans Services and the WWI and WWII Commemoration Commission and Advisory Council. 

In 2016, the National Rifle Association presented Reeves with the Defender of Freedom Award for his work to restore and expand reciprocity rights in Virginia. The Virginia Citizens Defense League has given him a 100% rating in 2013, 2014, and 2015, and a 98% rating in 2016.

Reeves holds a Master of Public Administration in Public Policy from George Mason University. He completed the University of Virginia’s Sorensen Political Leaders Program and the Sorensen Candidate Training Program. In 2013, he completed the Senior Executives in State and Local Government program at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government.

Political Experience

Senator, Commonwealth of Virginia Senate, 2012-present

Current Legislative Committees

  • Courts of Justice, Member
  • General Laws and Technology, Member
  • Privileges and Elections, Member
  • Rehabilitation and Social Services, Chair
  • Rules, Member
  • Subcommittee #2 (General Laws and Technology), Member
  • Subcommittee on Certificate, Oath and Confirmation Review, Chair
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