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By 莉莉丝  
OP 03/18/2017


九十年代通过联邦法律ControlledDrugs and Substances Act, SC 1996, c 19,里面第4条第一款和第5条第一款禁止持有和运输非法毒品。毒品注射站要合法开起来,就得依照第56条到卫生部申请许可。这种许可当然不可能是永久的,所以要申请联邦卫生部批准。
2008年的时候,时任保守党的卫生部长Tony Clement拒绝了注射屋要求延期的请求。背后支持毒品注射屋的公益机构,把联邦告上了法院,最后打到了最高法院。最高法院在2011年终于出了判决书。
Thefederal Minister’s comments can be summarized briefly: he approved of the otherservices Insite was providing, but not supervised injection. He felt that the scientificevidence with respect to its effectiveness was mixed, but that the “publicpolicy is clear”, and that “thesite itself represents a failure of public policy” (12:40(online)).  Hedisagreed with the experts who saw Insite as a public health success, andstated he intended to appeal the trial judge’s decision.  Thesecomments, coupled with the failure to accord an exemption, amount to aneffective refusal of the application.

不过,对不起,不是我不同情弱者。我真看不出,精神空虚毒品泛滥治安混乱的现状,能够从哪里体现出社会成功来。Tony Clement的话,说出了我的心声。


好吧,扯远了,继续说案子。其实原告心挺大的,主要火力是直接就要求法庭宣布,ControlledDrugs and Substances Act里禁止持有和运输非法毒品的第4条第一款和第5条第一款违宪-违反的是哪部宪法呢?就是小土豆他爹老土豆1982年搞的人权宪章第7条。最高法院的法官看了看,没说法案违宪,就说卫生部的决定不合理。
•    those surveyed had been injecting drugs for an average of 15 years;
•    the majority (51%) inject heroin and 32% inject cocaine;
•    87% are infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV) and 17% with humanimmunodeficiency virus (HIV);
•    18% are Aboriginal;
•    20% are homeless and many more live in single resident rooms;
•    80% have been incarcerated;
•    38% are involved in the sex trade;
•    21% are using methadone; and
•    9% reported a non-fatal overdose in their lifetime.



Based on the informationavailable to the Minister, this limit is not in accordance with the principlesof fundamental justice.  It is arbitrary, undermining the very purposes ofthe CDSA,which include public health and safety.  It is also grosslydisproportionate: the potential denial of health services and the correlativeincrease in the risk of death and disease to injection drug users outweigh anybenefit that might be derived from maintaining an absolute prohibition onpossession of illegal drugs on Insite’s premises.

Theinfringement at stake is serious; it threatens the health, indeed the lives, ofthe claimants and others like them.  The grave consequences that mightresult from a lapse in the current constitutional exemption for Insite cannotbe ignored.  These claimants would be cast back into the applicationprocess they have tried and failed at, and made to await the Minister’sdecision based on a reconsideration of the same facts.  Litigation mightbreak out anew.  A bare declaration is not an acceptable remedy in thiscase. 



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