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By 海老KK Organization: New Asian Leaders
华人议政高峰会议宗旨: 凝聚华人力量 洞察发展方向 共创美好未来
7月19日 JACKSON NJ 主讲嘉宾感言
美国华人应该学会在政党政治中成长 (作者:计冠光先生) 左起:Alex Chao, 计冠光(网名:海老KK),薛海培
一、出席会议的上半场主讲嘉宾 Movements, Issues and Speakers: Movement: Jimmy Kimmel “Kill Chinese” incidence; apology settlement Speaker: Mr. Jack OuYang 欧阳了寒, a leader of the movement Mr. Haipei Xue 薛海培, one of negotiators
Movement: Equal Education Rights; Civil rights complaint against Ive League college admission practices; Speaker: Mr. YuKong Zhao 赵宇空, President, Asian American Coalition for Education Prof. Stanley Ng, Mr. Jack OuYang 欧阳了寒
Topics: New York Specialized High School admission issues Speaker: Mr. David Lee, co-founder of CoalitonEDU
Topics: Political campaigns in NY 2016, New York, New York … Speaker: Susan Guan, chief of staff, campaign manager to New York State Assemblyman William Colton Mr. David Lee
Movement: March for Equal Justice - Over 100,000 Chinese Americans in over 30 cities got organized in 10 days and parade for Peter Liang; Speakers: Mr. YiPing Wu 吴一平, Commanders in Operation of 220 Parade, Mr. Wei Dai 代伟and …
Movement: Protest government over-regulation in the field of beauty solon businesses Speaker: Joseph Jiang Lin 林, the leader of the protest
Movement: Falsely Accused by Government, the modern day witch-hunt in Sherry Chen, Xiaoxin Xi cases, national security vs racial profiling Speaker: Mr. Haipei Xue 薛海培, President, United Chinese Americans
Topics: the national fundraising campaign for Lindy Li, the first of the kind Speaker: Mr. Haipei Xue薛海培, President, United Chinese Americans And Mr. Guanguang Ji 计冠光, Mr. Wei Dai 代伟. Ms. Qing Liao 廖青
Movement: Protect our children; Say no to reckless Obama transgender guideline Speaker: Mr. Zhongdan Lan 兰忠丹, the leader of the Movement 现场合影
下半场,CIIFF 李忠刚是这次高峰会议的发起人
Topics: My experience in local government, why should we get involved and how |
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